The actual handling method of borrowing names.

In reality, the actual purchaser of textiles, such as Mr. Li, because he is not qualified but actually needs it, often pays for it himself, and finds someone to hold the textile property on his behalf. The holder is usually a company or an acquaintance, commonly known as borrowing a name.

There are many such things, not only employees, but also brothers and sisters. Because some brothers and sisters do not have a hukou in a big city, they want to buy a house and return to their roots. In fact, there are often many disputes.

First, they are blackmailed by relatives. Relatives are jealous, the textile has soared by 5 million, and it is under their own name, plus the new wife stirs up discord, then they turn against each other.

Second, the creditor of the person whose name is held applies for execution.

Third, the holder is gone, and it is divided as an inheritance.

Fourth, the holder is mortgaged and sold.

Regardless of whether the holder has any benefits, the handling method is the same.

1. The textile belongs to the owner.

2. The actual investor seeks compensation from the owner. Generally, there is not much compensation. Because the holder may also be a bachelor.

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