#美联储利率决策即将公布 #第55期新币挖矿IO #IO价格预测 There is a girl in our unit, born in the 1990s, who was admitted from another second-level public institution last year. The girl is not particularly smart and not good-looking, but after working for a year, she is very popular with everyone. Including the leader of her original unit, she has repeatedly found the leader of our unit and expressed her desire to transfer her back, but was rejected by the leader of our unit. The leader replied with one sentence: I finally got a useful person, how can I give it away?

The reason why the girl is so popular with colleagues and leaders is that there is no trick, just one word: do it! No matter what the leader or colleague tells her to do, she never bargains, just lowers her head and executes it. After finishing one thing, she will do the next one, as if she never gets tired. The most valuable thing is that you never hear negative emotions such as complaints and calculations from her mouth. She looks resolute and smiling, as if she is a natural optimist, and often takes a break from her busy schedule to joke with everyone. Therefore, colleagues and leaders like to contact her and take her with them when they have something to do.

Several business section chiefs have mentioned to the leaders several times that they want to transfer her there. Some leaders even publicly stated that the girl is so useful and can be entrusted with important positions when appropriate.

The girl has no background and doesn't know anyone when she comes to the unit, but she has opened up a world with her enthusiasm and is waiting for promotion.

Many people often complain that they have no opportunities and are not reused. They blame the problems on their leaders, colleagues and environment, but they have never thought about what they have paid and whether they have done things to the extreme. Negative energy is always greater than positive energy. How can there be opportunities?

The most fundamental difference between excellent people and ordinary people lies here. The former has no time to consider right and wrong, while the latter spends too much time considering right and wrong. #美国4月核心PCE指标显示通胀放缓 #meme板块关注热点 $PEPE $PEOPLE $USDC