The status of girls is now the highest in the past five thousand years.

Those scumbags should take care of themselves and stop bullying girls today as if they were girls in the past, otherwise, they will really go to jail.

These days, I saw a man with old-fashioned thinking. He thought that as long as a girl was drunk, he could take advantage of her. The girl would agree to it reluctantly. A man with this kind of thinking was in jail, and the evidence was conclusive. Basically, he was definitely going to jail.

He got a girl at the table drunk when he was having dinner with his friends. After drinking too much, they went to KTV. The girl was already drunk at that time, because the KTV video surveillance showed that the girl was helped in. Later, while singing, the others left, leaving only him and the girl.

He saw that there was no one around, so he committed a crime.

After all, the girl was just drunk. When he moved, she woke up, and ran out to sue him.

Then he was arrested.

Direct criminal detention.

The police retrieved various surveillance videos and did a physical examination on the girl and found the man's DNA.

Then they approved the arrest.

It was a complete failure.

I have said it many times before, don't take advantage of girls now, don't hold the old mentality, otherwise you will be in jail in a short time. What about the old mentality of "I just rubbed it"? If it were put in today's world, you would still be in jail.

There have been so many rape cases in various places in the past two years. It's not that there are really so many rapes. Many of them are because some men still think in the old way of thinking, thinking that women are easy to bully, and then they go to jail.

I also want to remind those girls that the status of women is really high now, and the law is becoming more and more sound, so when girls meet that kind of bad man, don't be afraid, just go and sue him directly. The example I mentioned happened recently. The man is a second-generation only child, and the girl who sued him is just a rural girl working in a private company. From the girl's report to criminal detention to formal arrest, it took less than a week.