Another colleague was laid off today. He is a 38-year-old man who has worked in the company for more than 4 years. He is a product manager with a monthly salary of about 26,000 yuan. After the discussion this morning, he was let go in the afternoon and was given n+1 months of compensation, which is more than 140,000 yuan. Even the annual leave he did not take was counted as compensation.

I had lunch and chatted with him at noon, and he was about to cry. He was very depressed. He has always been the hardest-working one, often working overtime at night, and never complained about being tired at work. As a result, he was laid off first. It was so surprising.

It is difficult for him to find a job at his age, and he has no entrepreneurial mind. The key is that his family is under too much pressure. His wife lost her job last year and relies on his salary. There are two mortgages in his hometown, and he has to pay 5,000 or 6,000 yuan a month. The rent in Beijing is 5,200 yuan, and there are also tuition fees for two children and various expenses at home.

He originally had little savings, and now he has returned to the pre-liberation period. It is too difficult for middle-aged people born in the 1980s. At the age of 30, they have to bear hundreds of thousands or millions of mortgages. They lose their jobs before they have paid them off. They have no savings and are in debt.

Think about it, you can only receive pension at the age of 65, how can you live in the 30 years in between?

What do you think about this?