How terrible it is to understand human nature

A girl born in the 1990s opened a supermarket in our community. She defeated all her peers nearby with four tricks. Here is how she did it.

The first trick: When customers finish shopping and check out, the girl will suggest new customers to add her as a friend, which will save them 5 yuan, so many customers add her.

The second trick: In the evening, the girl posted in the group: Today's mangoes are not sold out, and they can be sold at a 30% discount. (It implies that fresh fruits are sold every day) Customers rushed to buy them.

The third trick: At 10 o'clock in the evening, the girl said again: A batch of local eggs will arrive, and advance reservations can be discounted by 30%. Many customers have reserved eggs, which has boosted popularity and consumption.

The fourth trick: The girl sends random red envelopes in the group every day. The rule is that the three people who grab the largest amount will get 20% off on any product purchased in the store, increasing customer stickiness and interaction. $USDC #NOT涨势分析 #BNB突破660 #5月非农数据即将公布