🔥Europe can no longer hold on⚠️EU Central Bank officials said: plans to cut interest rates from June, maybe three times in 24 years

The third-in-command of the Federal Reserve, the president of the New York Federal Reserve with permanent voting rights, said: data may fluctuate in unpredictable ways, but interest rates will eventually be cut.

It's not that the Federal Reserve doesn't want to cut, in fact, it has wanted to cut for a long time, but inflation is preventing it from cutting. The United States has already shown signs of stagflation, and it is difficult to raise or lower interest rates: Europe's interest rate cuts have caused the interest rate gap between the United States and Europe to widen again, and inflation is going to rise again, but if interest rates are raised, all U.S. debt banks will collapse, and real estate will become the hardest hit area, and the whole situation will be difficult to get off

The probability of a U.S. interest rate cut in September given by CME has increased to 54%, an increase of nearly 10% from the previous low of 45%. Tomorrow night, the small non-farm ADP data will be released. In addition, the Bank of Canada will announce its interest rate decision. The market currently expects that the probability of Canada's interest rate cut has reached 80%. On Thursday night, the European Central Bank's interest rate decision meeting was generally expected to cut interest rates by 25 basis points. On Friday night, the US non-farm employment data and unemployment rate data for May were released. This will largely determine the recent macroeconomic policy expectations and thus affect the price of risky assets. Special attention should be paid.

Yesterday, Bitcoin ETF had a net inflow of US$105 million, with a net inflow for 15 consecutive days.

ETF has had a net inflow for 15 consecutive days. BlackRock and other institutions should have seen that Europe will take the lead in cutting interest rates, and the US will also cut interest rates in advance. Therefore, the layout has been started half a month in advance.

As long as the non-farm data this Friday is conducive to the Fed's early interest rate cut, it is possible to go out of the big market, and the big cake may even try to break through the previous high. The suggestion of the coin hand is to lay out more cottages before the non-farm data. The cottage has a high profit effect in the near future, and it is not too late to lay out now.

The ups and downs of the non-farm data in contract trading are relatively large. Avoid it appropriately and try to wait until the non-farm data database is released before operating. If you have any doubts about the order transaction, you can communicate with the coin hand in time #BTC☀️ #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥 #降息