The entire crypto industry is still in the early adoption stage, so it is not too late to join now, and there is a high probability that you can reap the industry dividends.

🚀Reap the dividends? It depends on you

Global cryptocurrency

Penetration ranking statistics

It is the proportion of people who own cryptocurrency. The highest is Dubai, 30.4%, worthy of being the city of freedom. Dubai's high crypto penetration rate is probably related to the world's largest exchange Binance bnb in Dubai. In addition, from the data, it can be found that the entire crypto industry is still in the early adoption stage. It is not too late to join now, and there is a high probability that you can reap the industry dividends.

If you want to know more about the relevant knowledge of the currency circle and first-hand cutting-edge information, click to follow me Zhuyefang Wumen Kanqunli to publish market analysis and recommend high-quality potential currencies every day.

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