1. Discover narratives instead of looking for tokens directly

Before the alt season officially breaks out, how can we find those potential projects? In other words, how should we seize the opportunities of this new alt season?

Typically, the main motivation for a currency to rise is often based on the hype of the underlying narrative. For example, under the premise that the AI ​​narrative is popular, any currency related to AI, even if it is a junk coin, will have a good increase.

2. Use on-chain tools to do further research

For example, you can directly discover different classification tracks and their changing trends based on market capitalization and other aspects through the Categories list in the CoinMarketCap or coingecko platform.

Alternatively, you can also use tools like DefiLlama to view data comparisons of TVL, revenue, and other dimensions of each project on different blockchains. You can also use professional data table tools like Dune to explore and discover more narrative possibilities.

3. Do your own research

If you are optimistic about a project, one of the easiest ways is to quickly list 3 reasons why you are optimistic about the project, and each reason can be summarized in a simple sentence. If you can list them quickly, it means that the project can be added to your shortlist, otherwise it is not recommended to directly consider the question of "buy".

4. Customize your own investment strategy

Investing is actually a serious matter. Everyone should customize their own investment strategy, such as your position planning ratio, risk preference setting, etc. For example, I personally have a low risk preference, so my position is 50% Bitcoin and Ethereum, and 50% altcoins. #BTC