The reason you can't sleep well is not because you have a heavy position, but because you have no confidence in your target, or the leverage is too high. Whoever buys a house has a heavy position that empties 6 wallets, but still sleeps well on the 1st. Except for those who speculate in real estate, there is no essential difference between speculating in real estate and speculating in cryptocurrencies. As long as the leverage is too high, you can't sleep, especially now. Please read the following information repeatedly to understand, evaluate and taste it yourself!

1. To judge whether he is a master, look at the time and currency of his empty position. The longer the empty position time and the fewer the currency types, the more masters he is

2. All purchases in the bear market are wrong, except BTC

3. All sales in the bull market are wrong, except for altcoins

4. The simplest investment is to buy low and sell high, provided that you know what price is low and what price is high

5. The main funds determine the direction of the market, and the big funds will eventually return to BTC

6. Technical aspects and fundamentals are no match for the general trend, step on the rhythm of the cycle

The top is the peak, sell when the crowd is bustling

8. The bottom is the bottom, buy when no one cares

9. It is enough to be rich once in a lifetime. Keep the money you earn and repeat it in the place where you earn money. Don't mess around

10. You must configure more pie, otherwise you may not make money in the bull market. The only thing worth ALLIn is pie #BTC