Gnosis, a blockchain infrastructure project, announced the launch of Genome, a native digital ID service on Gnosis Chain.

Developed in partnership with the Web3 SpaceID identity and domain name platform and the Web3 dm3 messaging protocol, Genome allows users to convert long technical wallet addresses into easy-to-read names, making it easier to send and receive transactions. and interacting within the Gnosis ecosystem becomes easier.

Genome automatically grants ownership of .GNO and .gnosis.eth domains to users, providing a seamless and compatible user journey within Gnosis on EVM compatible blockchains.

The service syncs with Gnosis dApps, communities and social networks, providing users with a single identity and login that they can use across a variety of services. Genome is also fully compatible with Ethereum Name Service (ENS), allowing users to own two domain names at the same time.

“From payments to gaming to SocialFi, if Web3 is to deliver on its promises, we need to accelerate interoperable on-chain communication and identity tools,” said Friederike Ernst, co-author founder of Gnosis shares.

Genome is integrated with many applications on Gnosis Chain, such as Gnosis Pay and Circles, as well as other blockchain utilities such as Blockscout and NiftyFair. This integration ensures that users can maintain a consistent identity across platforms, enhancing compatibility.

According to Ralph Xu, business development specialist at Gnosis, the main difference between the Genome .gno domain name and other products is the custom ENS solver developed by the DM3 Protocol team.

This solver combines a .gno domain on Gnosis Chain with a corresponding subdomain on Ethereum, allowing one domain to be an extension of the other on another chain. This is done via CCIP L2 (cross-chain compatibility) and off-chain settlement, pointing to an off-chain server and then to smart contracts on the Gnosis Chain, passing information back to Ethereum .

The launch of Genome aligns with Gnosis's vision of inclusivity through open, accessible infrastructure. The project has opened .gno or .gnosis.eth username registration to the public.
