Talking about experience in cryptocurrency trading

1. Eat the middle of the fish, leaving the head and tail for others

2. If you don’t stop loss when trading in cryptocurrency, you will definitely lose a lot of money

3. Newbies look at the price, veterans look at the volume, and masters look at the trend

4. Buying familiar coins is not hard, buy at the bottom and stand firm

5. Buying depends on confidence, holding depends on patience, and selling depends on determination

6. Opportunities come from falling, and cash is king

7. The mentality of cryptocurrency trading comes first, strategy comes second, and technology can only be ranked third

8. The market usually arises in despair, develops in hesitation, and ends in madness

9. Greed is the rag of profit, greed and fear are taboos in investment

10. If long-term is gold and short-term is silver, Then the band operation is the diamond

11. When others are afraid, we should be greedy; when others are greedy, we should be afraid

12. Luck and hesitation: Luck is the culprit for increasing risks, and hesitation will miss opportunities

13. Don't fill your position easily in a downward trend. This is conducive to a normal mentality, and it allows you to attack and defend in operation

14. Frequent operations will definitely make you hesitate after losing, and slowly bleed

15. There is no absolutely accurate indicator, only half-understood retail indicators, which are useful to those who know how to use them, but harmful to those who don't

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