Idiom dictionary of the cryptocurrency circle - ten levels of cryptocurrency trading

🔷Level 1: Coin gate reflection - it is easy for a novice to make mistakes, so just treat it as paying tuition.

🔷Level 2: Coin repair course - after reflection, summarize the experience and lessons, and start learning.

🔷Level 3: Coin experience road - finally started to get started, started to move forward on the road of cryptocurrency trading, no longer a novice.

🔷Level 4: Coin gains - finally started to make money, no longer lost money, and gained something.

🔷Level 5: Coins are indispensable - more and more experience, more and more coins are earned.

🔷Level 6: Coins win - more and more confident, already at ease in the cryptocurrency market.

🔷Level 7: Coins become great - finally become a master of cryptocurrency trading

🔷Level 8: Coins will have good fortune in the future - After the baptism of wind and rain, the clouds will clear and the moon will finally appear. Those who have both wisdom and endurance are the final winners.

🔷Level 9: Stay away from coins - Some friends care about the trends in the currency circle and mine by writing articles, but do not speculate on coins. This is the case of staying away from coins.

🔷Level 10: Empty coins - Holding a lot of zero coins, my friends described it as the eighteenth level of hell. In this state, you can only have empty coins, which is the saddest...#BTC #ETH