Here is the 30F 1H level rebound. The target level has almost arrived: 65300 for the big pie and 3360 for the aunt. I am ready to close some of the long orders opened in the afternoon. Coinbase still has a hit.
Today and yesterday, I opened two waves of multiple orders. I only opened big cakes and aunties, and ate about 5% of them.
It should be clear after the news of the interest rate decision in the evening, and it is likely to remain unchanged.
Figure 2: The exchange rate is going very strong, and the pie is at a new low. There is no guarantee that eth will be there. The structure of eth is better. The long orders opened in the afternoon are not ready to be closed. The pie has not yet reached a low and the pie has been flattened. Eth multi-single pair lock completed
Waiting for the next step of the pie#