Many people do not know that there are rebates, leading to unnecessary fees, many know about the rebates but have already registered and do not know how to proceed, and some have found someone to open a rebate account either running away or being very shady. For all the aforementioned issues, come to me for a one-stop solution. Long-term stability with high ratios, and for clients with larger volumes, daily settlements are available, so no need to worry about running away. 👍
What is a rebate? For example, if you open a Bitcoin contract, 1000u × 100 times, then opening and closing once incurs about 100u in fees.
Suppose you are a short-term trader making three trades a day, that means you will be spending 300u on fees daily regardless of profit or loss. If you have opened a rebate, you can get back 90u, which amounts to 90u a day and 2700u a month; saving on these fees is definitely a significant amount.
Therefore, opening a rebate account is very necessary; it's your own money, so don't waste it anymore. If you want to open one, you can find me for long-term stability, with high rebate ratios—while you enjoy the meat, I’ll sip the soup. For small volumes, we settle weekly, for large volumes, we settle daily, and there’s no need to worry about running away; both new and old users are welcome.