A tumultuous week.

It fell below 3.5w and suddenly pulled back last night.

This pull brings back the light.

It couldn't get over the previous high, the indicator deviated, and it went down again in 1 hour.

Not that it will plummet. However, the continuous rise was blocked.

At a high level in the morning, I closed the position I added last week.

The original warehouse is still there. The leverage is very low, so there is nothing to worry about.

Do you think it will rise sharply after closing the position?

Every time we get to a key position, we have to think about it, whether it is a draw or a draw.

Trading is the art of regret.

In order to have both peace and prosperity in this world, there must always be giving and gaining. #etf #BTC #一起来跟单 #注意资金安全