Daily Share

After a slight rebound last night, Bitcoin fell again this morning, and the current lowest point is around 62,800. The short-term trend is still a continuation of the 15-minute level decline. Then there was a 15-minute level rebound during the day, and there should be another 15-minute level decline to around 62,800 or below in the evening.

After the 15-minute decline is over, tomorrow we can see the second 1-hour rebound in the 4-hour decline, and there should be a third 1-hour decline after the rebound. After the overall structure of this 4-hour decline is over, we need to buy the bottom again and buy spot. If the future market goes smoothly, this wave of callback is the last low entry opportunity before a new round of historical highs. If it does not go smoothly, there will be a big callback later. But in any case, this callback must be bought first, and then according to the subsequent rebound, decide whether to continue to hold or take profit in the middle.

During the trading process, we often encounter the problem of market extension, that is, we judge that a certain position should be stabilized, but the actual price does not stabilize and continues to fall. Or we judge that a certain position should almost reach the pressure and make a correction, but the actual price continues to hit a high point. In this case, it is definitely necessary to bring a stop loss. Secondly, if you have stopped the loss for 2 to 3 consecutive operations, it means that there is still some room for short-term downward or upward movement, and you need to wait and see, instead of rushing to continue the operation.

We will share similar experiences in detail in the trading training courses after the 9th.



Due to the rapid changes in the short-term market, the article can only predict the market changes at the moment of publication. Short-term players should pay attention to the latest changes in the market and use it as a reference only.


At the 1h level, the first 1h level decline should be short of a second level decline, and the focus below is around 62000. Tomorrow, there should be a second 1h level rebound, and the rebound should focus on around 65000. After that, there should be a third 1h level decline, and see if it will fall back to around 61000. The overall 4h level decline should take a few days, so wait patiently for the structure to come out.



At the 15-minute level, the 15-minute level decline of the white arrow in the above figure is a decline from the central axis departure segment starting from 66076 yesterday morning. The 15-minute level decline of the white arrow was expected to be almost complete last night, but it actually extended today, reaching a minimum of around 62800. After that, there was a 15-minute level rebound during the day, but the rebound was not strong, indicating that there should be a 15-minute level decline of the central axis three sell at night. It should have come out now, and it has reached 62500. The short-term should be almost complete. If it does not fall below 62000 in the early morning, we will see a 1h rebound tomorrow.



At the 15-minute level, Ethereum is slightly stronger than Bitcoin. The focus is on the strength of the 15-minute level pullback tonight. It is expected that it will fall back to around 2550 or 2530. It is expected that there will be a 1h level rebound tomorrow, and the target will be 2680.

After the 1h level rebound, there will be a third 1h level decline. The overall 4h level decline will focus on around 2450~2500.

Trend Direction

Weekly level: The direction is downward. Theoretically, it is almost around 49,000. Whether it is over or not still needs to be observed, but the probability of a weekly rebound is increasing.

Daily level: The direction is upward, and the range of 67000~70000 should be continued in the short term

4-hour level: The direction is downward, and a 4h level correction is expected in the short term. The initial target is around 61,000

1-hour level: The direction is upward. The current 1h-level callback expectation is almost over. In the short term, we should see a 1h-level rebound.

15-minute level: The direction is upward. If the current 15-minute level callback can stabilize around 62,000​​​