Daily Share

After a small rebound to around 66,000 last night, Bitcoin failed to continue to rise, and then fell again in the early morning, successively falling below 64,800 and 64,000. The current lowest is around 63,200. In the short term, it tends to see a 4h level correction. The 4h level structure has not yet been completed, and it will continue to fall in the future. The initial target is around 61,000.

After this 4h pullback is over, the next 4h level rebound should have the opportunity to continue to rush up to test 70,000, or even break through. So after the pullback, you can find an opportunity to enter the market again.

October is coming, and we expect that the price of Bitcoin will break through 73777 in October, but we should also be prepared for the market to fall back if it fails to break through. Adjust the strategy according to the situation at any time.

Finally, as a routine promotion, the trading training course held by the community started on October 9. The course mainly explains some situations that everyone encounters in actual trading, such as the simplest short-term pressure level, where the support level is, and how to find support and pressure. Many people are not clear;

For example, many people have no idea how to determine the position where you want to go long or short, and just listen to others. If others say they are bullish, they will immediately go long at the current price without checking whether the current position is suitable for the operation; their trading is illogical, and they like to look at this analyst and that analyst all day long. If several analysts are consistently bullish, they will be bullish, and if several analysts are consistently bearish, they will be bearish. When analysts are both bullish and bearish, they will be confused;

Another example is that some people are slow to react to market trends. Even when the market has already turned in the opposite direction, they still keep on being bullish or bearish. Even if they know that the market is going to turn, they are still not used to changing their operations.

In response to these issues, this training course will focus on exploring and solving these problems, so that everyone can at least be more independent subjectively, rather than completely relying on others.

Many of us always want to rely on certain analysts, certain big Vs, and certain big guys with large funds to trade, thinking that they can help us make money, and want to rely on others to achieve financial freedom, want to rely on others to complete the accumulation of the first pot of gold, or rely on others to make up for the financial debt as soon as possible. All of these are ultimately undesirable. Others are at most your enlightenment teachers in the trading process, not the ones who can make you rich. Including me, it is impossible for me to make you rich. At most, I am lucky enough to help you catch a 5x or 10x coin. Or I can help you make a few profitable waves. But at the same time, I may also make mistakes in judgment.

Therefore, trading matters ultimately depend on oneself. However, learning and summarizing experience is useless if you rely on yourself to explore. I have been in the cryptocurrency circle for eight or nine years. I have encountered many ups and downs, and finally I have gradually summarized some skills and experience, which is something that a newbie who has only been in the cryptocurrency circle for two or three years cannot understand. So you still have to find someone to learn these things, otherwise you will have to pay the tuition fees I paid to the market before, instead of overtaking on the curve.

If you want to sign up for this training class, you can add me on VIP or leave a message in the comment section.


Due to the rapid changes in the short-term market, the article can only predict the market changes at the moment of publication. Short-term players should pay attention to the latest changes in the market and use it as a reference only.


At the 1h level, the current daily top pattern has already emerged, and the current 1h level pullback has fallen back to the second 1h center within the previous 4h rebound, so it is expected that there is a high probability of a 4h level pullback.

This is the first 1h level decline in the 4h pullback. This decline may be short of a 15-minute level decline. The target below is around 62700. After that, there should be a second 1h level rebound. As long as the second 1h level rebound does not break through 65440, there will be a third 1h level decline. Let’s see whether the 4h pullback can fall back to around 61000.


At the 15-minute level, Bitcoin continued to extend downward yesterday by constructing a 15-minute central axis. Today, it fell from the central axis. This decline is no longer a divergence, so it is expected that there will be another 15-minute rebound and a 15-minute decline in the short term.

Currently, there is a 15-minute rebound, pay attention to the vicinity of 64,300. After that, there should be another 15-minute decline to see if it falls back to around 62,700. It is expected that there may be a 1h rebound tomorrow.



The 1h decline of Ethereum also extended downwards by building a 15-minute central axis. The 1h pullback of Ethereum was stronger than expected and did not fall back to the expected 2550. In the short term, there will be a 15-minute rebound here. Let's see the strength of the rebound. If the 15-minute rebound here breaks through 2672, then Ethereum will see a 1h rebound, as shown by the blue arrow.

If Ethereum’s 15-minute rebound fails to break through 2672, then there will be another 15-minute decline. At that time, we will pay attention to whether it reaches around 2550~2570.

Trend Direction

Weekly level: The direction is downward. Theoretically, it is almost around 49,000. Whether it is over or not still needs to be observed, but the probability of a weekly rebound is increasing.

Daily level: The direction is upward, and the range of 67000~70000 should be continued in the short term

4-hour level: The direction is downward, and a 4h level correction is expected in the short term. The initial target is around 61,000

1-hour level: The direction is downward. The current 1-hour level decline should be one wave lower. It is expected that there will be a 1-hour level rebound tomorrow afternoon.

15-minute level: The direction is upward. In the short term, there will be a rebound at the 15-minute level. After the rebound, there should be another downward movement.