Top ten golden sentences in the cryptocurrency circle to help you invest wisely

Bull market carnival, hot coins are prone to fall

Popular coins are often severely controlled, the bubble bursts at the touch of a button, and fall the fastest and most fiercely.

Potential coins are low-key and no one praises them

Real dark horses are often unknown, and only a few people occasionally mention them, such as the former C98 and LEVER.

The cryptocurrency market is smooth in the long run

Ups and downs are only short-term fluctuations. With a long-term perspective, the market trend is always steadily rising.

The counterfeit coins pull the market, and the routines are similar

First smash and then pull, the soup is not changed, be careful to be trapped.

New coins rise and fall sharply, don't touch them

The new favorites of the exchange are mostly set up by the dealers and harvest leeks.

Buy low and sell high, keep a stable mentality

Market fluctuations are normal, and unstable mentality is the big problem.

Small profit means callback, the dealer's shipment signal

After buying, it does not fall but rises, and it makes a small profit but suddenly callbacks. This is a sign of dealer shipment.

The rebound is fierce, most of them are leeks

The most violent rebound is not necessarily a potential stock, it may be a bait of the banker, don't be confused by the appearance.

Potential coins will make efforts in the later stage

In the bull market, some potential coins were unknown in the first half, but soared in the second half.

Sideways for several months, unlimited potential

The coins that have experienced several times the increase and can still stabilize for several months without falling are likely to be the potential stocks of the next wave of explosion.

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