Recently, the stock market has been crowded with people, and many people are eager to enter the market and ask me for advice. I have a few opinions on this:

Hot recommendations are often full of traps

Whenever someone hypes up an investment opportunity, you have to be careful, because there may be a big pit behind it.

Old saying in the casino, playing is the key

There is an old saying in the casino: "I'm not afraid of you winning money, I'm afraid of you not playing." The same is true for the stock market. The longer you play, the greater the risk, so you have to be vigilant at all times.

Do you know the truth about the company behind the stocks?

The stocks you buy are backed by companies. Do you understand them? Do you remember the fake financial reports they made in the past few years? If you don't understand, don't enter the market easily.

Everyone is celebrating, where does the money come from?

If everyone makes money, where does the money come from? Isn't it easier to give money directly to the people? The stock market is not a charity.

Finally, here are two wise sayings from the investment circle:

The harder you work, the more you lose!

Don't think that hard work can make money. Sometimes hard work will make you lose more.

Don't invest, at least you won't lose!

If you don't know how to invest, don't invest. Because not losing money is making money, and protecting the principal is the most important thing.

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