9.29 Sunday, Morning Silk Road

When you encounter setbacks, you must understand that the beginning of a rise is often extended from a certain point at a low point, because in many cases there is no way out before there is a way out.

From the K-line of the big cake at 1 o'clock, after the price of the big cake runs from the lower track of the Bollinger band to below the lower track of the Bollinger band, it is obvious that the resistance has increased and the breakthrough is weak. The two MACD lines are still running downward, and the trend is bearish. However, the short-selling momentum is gradually weakening! The three KDJ lines are running upward, and the trend is relatively gentle! Overall, the price of the currency will still run upward! But the overall adjustment is still mainly shock-adjusted! The overall trend is still to look at! The trend is oscillating, sweeping back and forth around 65,000, grab the support point, and you can eat long and short positions

9.29 Sunday intraday operation strategy:

Big cake, short-term oscillation to 65,800 to 66,200 area short, target to 63,800, defense at 67,000

Auntie, short-term oscillation to 2670 to 2710 area short, target to 2570, defense at 2770

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