Ten years ago, you had 700,000 yuan to buy a house in a big city with a mortgage, and now it has become about 5.2 million yuan;

Ten years ago, you had 700,000 yuan to buy Moutai stocks. Now it has become about 10 million yuan;

19 years ago, if you had 700,000 yuan and bought Tencent stocks, it has now become about 200 million yuan;

13 years ago, if you had 700,000 yuan and bought Bitcoin, it has now become more than 700 billion yuan;

If you deposited 700,000 yuan in the bank 10 years ago. Now it is only about 780,000 yuan.

Add inflation, you will lose money. Therefore, funds should be allowed to circulate. The inflation rate in recent years has been between 2% and 6%. What is the deposit interest rate of the bank? Making money with money is making money. Making money with effort is called making money

If you bought 10,000 yuan of Bitcoin ten years ago, the initial price of Bitcoin was only $0.0025, and the total amount was 21 million.

In 2009, the price of Bitcoin was even less than 1 cent, and one dollar could be exchanged for more than a thousand Bitcoins.

Ten years ago, around 2014, the price of Bitcoin was around $0.003. At the exchange rate at that time, 10,000 RMB could buy about 550,964 Bitcoins.

Today, the price of Bitcoin has reached an astonishing height. According to the current price of Bitcoin (taking 473,128 RMB as an example), if you bought 550,964 Bitcoins at that time, you would now have a wealth of more than 260,676,495,392 RMB, more than 260 billion RMB! #BTC☀ #BNB金鏟子 #BTC突破7万大关 #BTC走势预测 #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥