The title of this article under construction that I will deliver in the next few hours and that I wanted to tell you in advance for fear that you may fall prey to a trap 🪤 will be a necessary reflection and a deep and metaphorical criticism on the nature of the financial market and the vulnerability of investors. Using the image of a rodent caught in a trap, I will illustrate how the market can be deceptive and dangerous, especially for those who approach it with too much confidence. I also make a comparison with historical events, such as world wars, to underline the inevitability of crises and the importance of being prepared for what seems to be an inevitable storm.

I think it is necessary to convey the idea that the market is unpredictable and often ruthless. I advise investors to be cautious and strategic in these days when the old, cruel and ruthless market has been showing itself to be generous, I invite them not to be carried away by the apparent generosity of the market. History tends to repeat itself and it is crucial to learn from it in order not to fall into the same traps.

The market is always dyed red, sometimes it bleeds to death. Stay tuned.

Jorge Ferrer

Bachelor of Business Administration