Yesterday, Shisan said in his article that it would be difficult for the market to fall below 63,000. This judgment is basically correct today. Although the market briefly fell to around 62,705, in general, most of it is above 63,000.

However, some people kept holding on to this and said that my prediction was wrong.

Thirteen, we must try to clarify that predictions about future market conditions are inherently risky and inaccurate. Any event in the cryptocurrency circle can change the trend of the market.

Thirteen's judgment is based on his own cognition. Not to mention that it is accurate most of the time, even if the market plummets for some reason, it is also a normal phenomenon.

Thirteen doesn't have so many burdens, and every word he says must be correct.

There is no such perfect person in this world. If you hold on to this, maybe unfollowing Thirteen is a good choice.

Shisan has said many times in his articles that short-term market forecasts are actually based on guesswork. As ordinary investors, the only thing we can grasp is the long-term investment value of the currency. Although making money is not so violent, it is stable.

Some people shout around the world that their trading accuracy rate is very high, and this is indeed true for some capable people in a certain trend.

At the same time, they made some judgments based on their own experience and cognition.

But when faced with a sharp rise or fall in the market, they had no way to deal with it.

So don’t just follow the trend of some people who make a 100x bet, thinking it’s easy to make money. You will find that when you actually take out real money to make a bet, you will lose money.

Is it just bad luck or some unknown mystery? Everyone must know it clearly.


The trigger for this round of market trend is the 50-point interest rate cut.

What will be the next rate cut? The market believes that the probability of a further 50 basis point cut has reached 46%.

This is a very scary statistic.

If the interest rate is really cut by 50 basis points, it will have a huge boost to the market.

At least we can touch new highs for Bitcoin.

With the start of the interest rate cut cycle, the fundamentals of the market have turned from negative to positive. No matter how the market fluctuates in the future, the overall trend will definitely be upward.

So, I remind everyone again to hold on to the cheap chips in your hands.

Yesterday, Shisan was preparing to cash out to have some fun, but when I saw that the exchange rate had dropped to 6.7, I was so shocked.

Don’t underestimate the exchange rate. What does the depreciation of the US dollar mean?

What this means is that the Federal Reserve does not want everyone to hold US dollars in their hands, and hopes that everyone will invest the money in their hands. Stocks, gold, Bitcoin, etc. are all current investment options.

If you don't buy, the dollar will continue to depreciate, which means you will lose money if you hold the money and do nothing.

So it's not just small investors like us, especially some institutions and consortiums who are most sensitive to this information.

So starting from October, a large amount of funds will flow into the cryptocurrency circle. No matter how big the market is, people will buy, buy, and buy with leverage.

We have worked hard for three years to push the market into a bull market. Whether we can make money depends on the cycle from October to October next year.

In this cycle, the period of skyrocketing will last for one or two months. I hope everyone can stay on the bus instead of drooling under the bus.


Again, the short-term market trend remains unclear.

Judging from the volume, the Air Force still has not exerted its strength, but it may struggle symbolically at some point in time.

Now many of my friends are beginning to be afraid of heights.

This is the psychological shadow left on everyone by the continuous decline in the market since March, which is a normal phenomenon.

If the market continues to rise for several months, everyone will be left with the shadow that the market will continue to rise.

In the short term, no matter whether it continues to rise or falls, everyone should treat it with a normal mind. Don't rush when it rises or rush when it falls... This type of investors is considered very immature by others.

They are completely mindless walking corpses. The probability of such people making money is almost zero, and they can lose money in minutes.

When you meet this kind of person, you must stay away from him. Their emotions will contaminate everything they can touch, so you must be extremely careful.

As for the current market conditions, if it goes up, we have positions to make money, and if it goes down, we can buy at the bottom while the price goes down.

However, it is basically impossible to return to the excellent bargain-hunting opportunity like a month ago.

Everyone should keep a calm mind when investing and not worry too much about gains and losses. It is impossible for us to buy at the bottom. As long as we have an average holding cost during a downward cycle, it is enough.

What really makes us money is getting chips in a bull market, that extremely crazy bull market.

In the long run, the current market situation is still in the bottom range.

If a newcomer enters the market now, the cost will be lower than for anyone who enters after March.

Most people's current holdings are suffering an average loss of 30%.


Today's market situation is like this, and it is expected to continue to fluctuate at this position for a while.

Whether it goes up or down is a metaphysical question, but the range of fluctuations is between 63,000 and 66,000. There is basically no arbitrage space. We just need to wait and see.

Don't bet on the rise and fall, just guard your chips steadily, and if it falls, you can buy at the bottom.

However, as the market has warmed up in the past few days, more and more people have come to consult us. Although they have not joined us, there are still many people who come to consult us.

This means that after the market picks up, the army of leeks is already on the way.

This is a unique spectacle in the cryptocurrency world. Whenever the market is sluggish, which should be the best time to enter the market, no one is willing to come in and everyone tries to avoid it.

When the market picks up, the "leeks" will flock in, push up prices, and create a hot bull market.

It is often in the top range. Generally speaking, it will be a bear market soon, and these leeks will definitely be trapped at the top of the mountain.

It was the same for Shisan back then. He heard that Bitcoin had skyrocketed and some people had made a lot of money, so he followed the crowd and entered the market. Not only did he invest his own spare money, he also took out loans to increase leverage.

The subsequent results were extremely cruel.

I still feel scared when I think about it.

However, it is still in the bottom range at present. It is still a good time to enter the market now. By the end of the year, it will be really difficult.