Yesterday, Thirteen said in the article that it is difficult for the market to fall below 63,000. This judgment is basically correct today. Although the market has briefly fallen to around 62,705, in general, most of it is above 63,000.

However, some people hold on to this and say that my prediction is wrong.

Thirteen should try to clarify that the prediction of future market conditions is inherently risky and inaccurate. Any event in the currency circle can change the trend of the market.

Thirteen's judgment is based on his own cognition. Not to mention that most of the time it is still accurate, even if the market plummets directly for some reason, it is a normal phenomenon.

Thirteen does not have so many burdens, and every word he says must be correct.

There is no such perfect person in this world. If you hold on to this, maybe unfollowing Thirteen is a good choice.

Thirteen has said many times in the article that the prediction of short-term market conditions is actually based on guessing. As ordinary investors, the only thing we can grasp is the long-term investment value ratio currency. Although making money is not so violent, it is stable.

Some people are shouting all over the world that their order-making accuracy is very high, and some capable people are indeed like this in a certain trend.

At the same time, they make some judgments based on their own experience and cognition.

But when they encounter a market that rises and falls sharply, they have no way to deal with it.

So don't just follow the trend of someone opening a hundred times at any time, as if it is easy to make money. You will find that when you really take out real money to open an order, you will lose money.

Is it bad luck or is there some unknown metaphysics? Everyone must be clear in their hearts.