💥Good news, good news🧧How long does it take to get 4000-10000? My answer is one day!

October Fancang planned to win another victory in the evening, won the second consecutive victory today, and pocketed 2600 again!

There are traces to follow in every case. So far, the number of 4,000 has reached 10,000! Achieve 2x growth!


The big pie is 63475.2, and the average price reaches 63323.6 by covering up the position in the 100-point range. Stop the profit at 63708.0, and get 400 points of space.

The aunt's price was 2648.62, and she was out at 2681.99 to stop profit, and got 33 points of space.

Do the right thing with the right person, seize the opportunity, and achieve great success!


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