Analysis of the latest operating ideas of Big Pie Auntie in the early morning of 9.28 Saturday:

Judging from the current situation, yesterday's big pie once again strongly broke through the 66,000 mark after the US stock market opened. It went straight to the 66,500 line we gave yesterday morning and then fell back. This wave of gains is also about 2,000 points!

At present, the currency price has stabilized at the 65,000 line, and the trend is smaller over the weekend. It is expected to follow the mode of shock consolidation and accumulation. Without the impact of news, there is a probability that it will break through the 67,000 line with lightning speed next week. A strong barrier, 68,000 is just around the corner!

In the short term, Duotou has begun to show rapid momentum, the market trend has quietly changed, and the power of short positions has gradually weakened. At present, the market is building strong support for the bottom. In the early morning operation, it will maintain a small step back and continue to be bullish!

Suggestions for early morning operations:

The big pie is on the 65000-65200 line, look at the 66000-66500 line

Auntie 2610-2630 first line, watch 2680-2700 first line


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