#BTC In the morning, Dabing staged a thrilling leverage liquidation and pull-up drama! First, there were continuous ups and downs, which scared many leverage players to urgently clear their positions. Then, a wave of SOS volume was like a tiger coming down the mountain, directly tearing the defense line and breaking through the 64,000 mark! At this moment, the market's heartbeat accelerated, and the retracement after the pull-up became the focus.

🌟If 64,000 becomes a solid support and does not give up easily, then Dabing's eyes will be directly on 67,000, where there is a large-scale "bat pattern" backup target, temptation and opportunity coexist!

🚨But remember, the market is impermanent. If you accidentally lose 64,000 and return to the downward channel, all coin friends need to react quickly and take protective measures. After all, the previous 60k retracement script has been quietly rewritten. Institutional traders replaced the decline with shocks, which not only cleared the leverage, but also cleverly avoided the attempt of the low-level air force to unwind. This operation is simply "ruthless"!

🔍In summary: The BTC market is volatile, so you need to be cautious when following the trend, and your strategy needs to be flexible. Only by protecting your own positions can you sail steadily in this sea of ​​stars!

#BTC #比特币政策 #市场分析