A MALICIOUS campaign has been started on this currency in order to chase away its investors, those who do it are sick and resentful people, I don't see any corporation financing the campaign, don't pay attention to what kids who are barely out of adolescence publish and invest at most 50 or 100 $ in this market, then they use their option to publish harming people who bought medium amounts of this currency causing them to lose money, people get scared and sell at a loss. Others stop buying even when the currency is giving them entry, many stopped buying at 33 $ because fools who only aspired to earn ten dollars wrote lies or repeated what they read and even worse, they repeated it making it more terrible.

You can read the main internet pages that estimate the price of a currency based on its behavior, but above all on its circulating coins and its capital, banana 🍌 only has 3.13 million coins circulating, its capital at this moment is $ 120 million, four hours ago its capital was 112 million. Banana 🍌 will only have to triple its capital to reach $ 95, and that is what will happen when BITCOIN reaches its new historical maximum, all serious economists who have carefully studied Banana 🍌 set its price for the last quarter of the year at 93 EUROS, that is close to one hundred dollars. I will give you an excerpt of what Google publishes today based on all the information it collects:

What are the expectations of BANANA in 2024? According to analysts, Banana Gun is on the right track and will close this year with a price of € 87.32. SOURCE: GOOGLE.

You can also corroborate this information by typing in the search engine: banana guns forecast.

So don't be carried away by what unskilled brats write, who hope to earn 10 $ in a few hours. Do your own research, learn to handle the way the market behaves, and don't be short-sighted, be patient.