The wind is blowing! Near the end of the week, Panmen once again stepped back to recover, and just broke through the strong support of 62500 and reached the 62400 line! The market trend has quietly changed!

Although it is not stable for the time being, the downward breakthrough momentum is ready to go! The probability of a pullback to the first line of 61 on Monday is gradually increasing!

In the morning, the short line of 63500 has 1100 points of space, and the short line of 2580 has nearly 30 points of space!

If the bulls are weak, then our opportunity to take advantage of the trend and go short has gradually emerged! It’s only a matter of time before the short positions increase! The next step is to wait patiently for short positions to increase volume and continue to look at the 61800 line and the 2500 line!


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