I have defended the linearity of market behavior with great enthusiasm when seeing how predictable all the events that accompany a universe governed by the laws of physics can be, and anyone who is reading me right now will wonder what the hell does physics have to do with the market? Well, having collected the behavior of the market over the last hundred years allows us to understand that it is a wagon that moves on a rail that meanders as it goes up and down again and again. That constant in the path of a market that makes a cyclical, predictive journey tells us that at some point or in an indeterminate period of time it will return to the place from which it started. The cryptographic market, which is considered as volatile as gasoline or thinner, can also be predicted, but how? You just have to see how after an increase in the value of its assets, it tends to correct (price drop), going from green 💚 to red 🩸 again and again. You have to be very greedy and greedy not to take profits while the market is rising, and believe me, the vast majority of investors remain paralyzed watching the price of their currencies rise and, like a hypnotized fool 😵‍💫, remain motionless watching them fall in price.

Who doubted for a moment that after the announcement of the interest rate cut, bitcoin would rise in price? Well, many doubted, succumbing to weeks of false and vile campaign aimed at making them doubt that bitcoin would react upwards after Power's announcement, it has done so, it did so and it will continue to do so, and other announcements will come such as the next cut that will make BITCOIN rise and with it the ALCOIN that will undoubtedly continue to inflate as there is greater liquidity (money circulating in the streets), part of the liquidity will go to BITCOIN and then to the ALCOIN and from there the long-awaited ALSEASON, and there are those who doubt that it will happen, simply because they have not seen the market meander, go up and down to return to the same place, to start again, and always higher in the price of BITCOIN, it is comparable to the price of a hamburger 🍔 or a pack of cigarettes 🚬 bought in 1950 and compared to the current price, everyone knows that now a hamburger 🍔 and a pack of cigarettes cost more money than in 1950. As for which digital assets go up and down, it is equally predictable, each one has its moment, before memes, now artificial intelligence and next year perhaps game currencies, and then starting again, it is possible that new narratives will be incorporated that are now unknown to us, the important thing about what has happened since the announcement of the rate cut is that the ALCOIN have already spoken out and said: "Hey you, look at me, do you see how I have risen with each rise of BITCOIN? well invest in me and I won't let you down", many will be thinking 🤔 about the coins that went up and for which no one would bet a dollar, and they are the exception to the rule, an anomaly in the system or a manipulation of the same, in these strange eventualities you should not focus your attention, it is like betting on a donkey in a horse race, where the donkey surprises and wins, as in the case of SOLANA NAME SERVICE that reached 71% and left everyone speechless, personally that fact does not distract me, it is a rarity that can steal my peace and take away my concentration, what happened with SUI was not a surprise, the market had been announcing it for the last three months and generated the conditions for a cent coin to rise quickly above a dollar, simply whoever did not see it coming was quite distracted 😶‍🌫️.The other thing about the coins that partially recovered, such as SAGA and DYM, that I highlighted in my previous articles was to be expected because they were $6 and $8 coins that collapsed after the first week of June and whose coin holders most likely had access to privileged information and sold, generating a resounding fall in the same, it usually happens and will continue to happen. Finally, there are coins that always always always until their silly and useless narrative runs out or they become a project with a purpose of existence will continue to generate profits, I am referring to some MEMES that will remain in force and that before the end of the year will reach their old prices such as WIF or the dog with a hat 🤠, or the case of PEPE, the jackpot of 2024 will be taken by the Artificial Intelligence coins that will most likely put FET back at $3, WLD at $5 or $7, and others like IO.NET which will most likely close the year in 2024 at $6. To conclude my article today, take into account coins recently listed by BINANCE, this EXCHANGE does not like its pupils not to behave bullishly because it would simply be very bad press and people would stop trusting its launches, so that the 2024 coins will almost entirely rise in price by the end of the year. Never forget the saying that goes: "history does not repeat itself but it rhymes", until another opportunity my invisible friends

Jorge Ferrer

Bachelor of Business Administration