This recent figure, unknown to many people, is becoming known thanks to the potential of the Metaverse. However, many companies refuse to introduce it into their digital departments. Today, from 0 to 100 with the CMO

The digital marketing director or digital marketing manager is responsible for the strategy, development and execution of the company's digital marketing strategy. Your department is normally made up of the following positions:

  • Director de marketing digital

  • Social media manager

  • SEO Specialist

  • SEM Specialist

  • Content marketing specialist

  • Email marketing specialist

  • Especialista en marketing automation

  • Web analysis specialist

It is then that companies, to save costs, delegate to one or more of these figures the task of "finding out what this metaverse is useful for us." Tremendous mistake. The person in charge is forced to go to consulting firms with their respective financial outlay, friends, acquaintances, colleagues instead of accepting that this figure has its application, he is just another specialist and specifically in Web3 he is in charge of an ecosystem at complete that has nothing to do with the time and manner that we have lived until now in the digital world. You may have to hire him, even if he is outsourced as a freelancer.

He is considered a high-level executive responsible for the strategy, development and execution of a company's metaverse strategy. The CMO is responsible for ensuring that the company fully leverages the potential of the metaverse to achieve its business objectives.

Among its tasks we can highlight:

📗 Develop and execute the company's metaverse strategy

📗 Lead the company's metaverse team

📗 Work with other areas of the company to integrate the metaverse into their operations

📗 Forge alliances with other companies and organizations to drive metaverse adoption

📗 Communicate the company's metaverse strategy to employees, customers, and stakeholders

All this at first glance may seem silly but it is not. The problem is the use that has been given to the term "metaverse" that has contaminated its especially business projection, generating distrust, fear and toxicity. If we move the tree aside to see the forest, we will find that the metaverse provides us with solutions such as:

✅ WEB Ecosystem 3 (More attractive and interactive)

✅ Blockchain Solutions (Transparency, Efficiency, Security)

✅ Mixed Realities (Training, Training, Prototyping...)

✅ Business Interoperability (companies can have more neutral and also virtual meeting points, providing relocation)



The recent information hoaxes, the fall of the metaverse like a house of cards built under unfulfilled promises, where Meta of course also did its part and numerous scams that have occurred in the ecosystem, have also highlighted the fact that, although I can act as CMO, it is best to adopt another name or a position that is a little lateral to this one.

To do this and so that third-party companies are not affected or others with needs flee from a service that your company offers, they safeguard their official identity with terms such as:

💠 Senior Futurist

💠 Head of Innovation & Technology

💠 Chief Growth Cross-Meta Products & Infrastructure

💠 Head of Web 3

💠 Virtual Environments Head Manager

In one way or another, people like Marc Petit, Javier Olivan, Shawn Wang, Jason Rubin, Agustin Ferreira, Arthur Madrid are also Chief Metaverse Officer and yet it does not appear in their profiles. The figure still lacks a clear and concise definition with a solid roadmap. It is subject to many changes in strategy and redirection of objectives.

We could say that it is a pilot position with great potential to be discovered but it is also true that if the definition of metaverse is still not clear, we cannot fully clarify the CMO position and its short-term usefulness.

Not long ago I had the opportunity to meet with a developer from a technology consulting firm. I asked him if his consulting firm had a CMO position and indeed they did. When I was curious to know more, his response was:

" He is just hanging out with his oculus glasses in meaningless meetings "

This is why some companies have them because they say they are technologically advanced, while others prefer not to have it and not innovate in this field or completely outsource the service.

Survey conducted through my professional profile


The survey shown above is aimed primarily at the Spanish-speaking public. And now is when we are going to delve and focus on this, from a comparison with the US.

Generally speaking, there is a higher concentration of Chief Metaverse Officer (CMO) in the United States than in the Spanish-speaking world. This is due to a number of factors, including:

  • The investment:  The United States is leading the #inversiĂłn in the metaverse, with companies like #Meta , #Microsoft and #Google pouring billions of dollars into it development. This has led to increased demand for professionals specializing in the metaverse, including CMOs.

  • Business culture: The business culture of the United States is more entrepreneurial and risk-tolerant than that of many Spanish-speaking countries. This has led to increased creation of startups operating in the metaverse.

  • Access to financing :  The United States has much easier access to financing than many Spanish-speaking countries. This has made it easier for metaverse startups to raise capital and grow.

According to a report by the consulting firm Gartner, in 2023 there will be 2.7 million jobs related to #metaverso worldwide. Of these, an estimated 1.5 million will be located in the United States.

In conclusion, beyond the investment of large technology companies, we find two very important barriers, cultural and financial. This not only stops us when it comes to hiring emerging useful positions in perspective because we may err on the side of being too cautious, but also when it comes to economic investment where cuts, a reduced work team and limited to the maximum or even below what is necessary, forcing some positions to develop activities and tasks not typical of their job with the mythical phrase "Here we all do everything" added to the tremendous wear and tear of the teams when it comes to finding public and private financing. They make this a cocktail of business insecurity and low interest in entrepreneurship.

In order of entrepreneurship we find these data:

Spain is ranked 24th in this ranking, with an early entrepreneurship rate of 10.30%. This means that in Spain, 10.3 out of every 100 adults between 18 and 64 years old are involved in the creation of a new company.

Compared to other countries in the European Union, Spain is in the middle of the table. The countries with the highest early entrepreneurship rates in the EU are Sweden (15.70%), Finland (15.60%) and Ireland (15.40%).

If we talk about estimated salaries of a Chief Metaverse Officer:

Goal: 150,000 đŸ’Č per year.

Microsoft: 125,000 đŸ’Č per year.

Google: 100,000 đŸ’Č per year.

Telefónica: €60,000 per year.

Banco Santander: €50,000 per year.



The CMO faces two important challenges as a hire:

On the one hand we have a green, newborn profession, with its ups and downs and what this can entail is job instability, sustained by a short-term vision that can be changing or evolve. This means that the CMO is subject to change and constant evolution. Therefore, you will require ADAPTABILITY, and this results in the need to show results, demonstrate your worth constantly so that the company sees that your job is really useful and not for decoration. In other words, you must be willing to work UNDER PRESSURE BASED ON RESULTS.

Besides :

At a professional level, a Chief Metaverse Officer (CMO) must have the following characteristics:

✔Digital Marketing Experience: You will need to have strong digital marketing experience, including SEO, SEM, content marketing, and social media.

✔Metaverse Knowledge: A deep understanding of the metaverse, including its technologies, platforms, and applications.

✔Leadership: You will be an effective leader who can lead a team and develop successful strategies.

✔ Innovation: Be willing to adopt new technologies and strategies.

On a personal level, a CMO must have the following characteristics:

🔾 Creativity: You must be creative and able to think outside the box.

🔾 Passion: You will be a "nerd" passionate about the metaverse and its potential to transform business.

In addition to these characteristics, a CMO must also have a strong sense of ethics and values, if not with your own, with those of the company that decides to have you under its umbrella.

⚠ And what do you think of the CHIEF METAVERSE OFFICER (CMO)? ⚠