The big winning COINS so far show that the narrative matters and their behavior throughout the year even more so. Of all the ones I named, some come from having high prices like SAGA whose price was a little over $6 and DYM which comfortably moved around $8, so it is important to be attentive with these coins that will most likely recover their value from the month of April 2024 as BITCOIN moves towards new all-time highs. Those who have not yet seen their coins grow should not regret it. Remember that the market is a carousel with several cars, so you will see a lot of people on top of the rails while you are below but after a while it will be you who is above, that does not mean that you should not be attentive to garbage projects or frauds disguised as good-looking, made up by paid influencers and promoted by personalities who do not even hit the time of day. In fact, the best strategy is to do the opposite of what these stinking bugs say about GREED and bad vibes.

On the other hand, it is important for those who have exceeded their investment to take profits, the market always corrects, and it is ruthless when it comes to doing so, just as hope is painted green 💚 it turns red ❤️ blood red 🩸, and with how volatile BITCOIN behaves from the slightest flutter of a butterfly 🦋 it is better to take profits, wait for the correction to buy again. The dilemma of when to take profits is summed up in the following expression: "greed can lead you to lose what you have earned", so be careful because that moment when enough is enough and that risking to earn more based on a neurosis called "greed" can plunge you into depression.

Some COINS that have behaved positively today and that I was telling you about that would not have losses.









IMX (INMUTABLEX) (It's not among my favorites but it grew today)

From the looks of things, you can already get an idea of ​​the behavior, which from my personal perspective is linear, although many do not share my point of view, my analysis of the entire year, allowed many to recover and win today, I congratulate all those who had such luck, it is important to note that DYM, which until now exceeds 20% of profits, comes from $8 per token, very close to $9, to collapse in the big fall of June to a price less than $1 (obviously its investors were warned and decapitalized the project), the same thing they did with HIGHSTREET where a malicious partner took 80 percent of the capital and left it at $1.30 for a $9 coin. As for IO.NET, it will undoubtedly close the year at $6, it is a serious company and world-class. Other tokens of lower value but no less important are showing strength for a BULLISH Rally that we hope to have if possible this week, if not the narrative of the world upside down and the twisted minds of the greedy and miserly prevails.

Projects that failed today? I won't name them, I don't support bad press, I think all coins can be recovered but it will depend not only on the CEO but on the team, COINS in the hands of greedy and malicious people are doomed to failure, "by their fruits you shall know them."

Jorge Ferrer

Bachelor of Business Administration