Dear fans, during the Mid-Autumn Festival, Shaoqin is here to wish you all a happy holiday, reunion, and lots of money! ! ! In addition to old fans, there have also been many newcomers recently. Here I would like to share with you some simple and easy-to-understand oral strategies for learning. Please read them again:

If you are new to the cryptocurrency industry, you need to remember these trading tips:

1. If you buy horizontally, buy pits, but not vertically, the selling point is at the boiling point;

2. Continuous small increases are real increases, and continuous large increases require exit;

3. If there is a sharp rise, you should step back. If you don’t dig a deep hole, you won’t buy too much;

4. The main rise is accelerating to reach the top, and the rise is slow and the sell is slow;

5. A sudden and immeasurable drop is a threat; a slow drop and a heavy drop are enough to get out quickly;

6. When the price breaks through the lifeline, don’t hesitate to make swings;

7. Watch the daily and monthly lines carefully and follow the main force to build positions;

8. The currency price rise is immeasurable, and the main force is tempting bulls to stand guard;

9. The new low of shrinkage is the bottom image, and the market needs to enter the market when the increase picks up.

Once again, I wish you all a happy holiday. I also remind you to be optimistic about the market and seize the opportunity in these two days to add some color to your holiday. Why not? On the night of the full moon, let’s watch the full moon and collect the rice. .

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