Everything comes sooner or later and this Wednesday the first rate cut by the Federal Reserve (Fed) within the monetary easing cycle is coming. Everyone is wondering if the cut will be 25 basis points, or 50. The doomsayers are trying to create a catastrophic scenario if the Fed cuts 50 points claiming that it is done because a recession is approaching. Of course, with 50 points, millionaires will multiply their money and become powerfully millionaires. If the rich manage to impose the narrative that 50 points will make the market collapse, they will have triumphed and the poor will be poorer and the rich richer. They are disgusting and I aspire for there to be a hell for these greedy and avaricious rats. I fully trust that the cut will be made as the European bank did: 25 points the first month and 25 points the next. This, accompanied by positive indicators, will put us all in the long-awaited exponential increase in the price of our currencies.

This may be the moment many have been waiting for and it is just around the corner: the cut in interest rates in the United States. After years of high rates, relief is finally on the horizon that promises to bring a breath of fresh air to the economy. This change will not only benefit American businesses and citizens, but will be the catalyst that propels BITCOIN and ALCOIN to new heights.

With interest rates falling, we will see an increase in liquidity and more money circulating in the economy. This means that businesses will have more access to low-cost capital, allowing them to invest and grow. For citizens, this translates into lower borrowing costs and more money in their pockets. In this context, Bitcoin presents itself as an attractive option for those looking to protect and grow their capital.

Bitcoin: Heading to $70,000?

If we do not see Bitcoin return to at least $70,000, it would be necessary to review the behavior of the crypto market and consider all hypotheses, including that of manipulation. However, with the rate cut, we are likely to see an increase in demand for Bitcoin, as investors look for assets that offer a safe haven and growth potential.

I feel compelled to debunk the panic that is being sown in a very skillful and Machiavellian way. As the rate cut approaches, some might try to sow panic by arguing that a 50-point reduction is a sign of an impending recession. However, this narrative is baseless. The US economy is showing signs of recovery and growth, and the rate cut is a measure to further strengthen this positive trend. Any temporary drop in the price of Bitcoin would be quickly corrected by the reality of a booming economy.

We must be optimistic. The rate cut will be accompanied by positive indicators of the US economy. It is time to fully trust the crypto projects we have invested in. If Bitcoin soars enough to recover losses, it is wise to take profits. Even the richest investors take profits to secure their profits.

Over the past 36 hours, the market has offered attractive entry prices for some coins. Switching projects without or with minimal losses can be worthwhile. The important thing is to identify coins that have shown a quick recovery. Look at their behavior when Bitcoin hit $65,000 and $70,000. They are likely to repeat these prices if they have the capital necessary to boost their value. I hope this article helps you and allows you to cope with the huge manipulation campaign aimed at sowing fear, anguish and anxiety in us, we are not here to destroy our emotional well-being, we are here to make money. A big hug and good luck in your investments!

Jorge Ferrer
Bachelor of Business Administration