Without a doubt, the recent rise to just over $60,000 for BITCOIN and the performance of cryptocurrencies over the past two weeks showed all investors which coins will give us profits with a BITCOIN above $70,000. The linearity of the market seems to make no difference in the face of the fragility of the price of cryptocurrencies, they call it “volatility.” From the chemical, physical and thermodynamic point of view of the tendency of a substance to evaporate, it is terrible that our money is put into an asset that can quickly simply evaporate. It is like putting your money in a horse race where you know that eight out of ten horses have a heart disease and will probably die before reaching the finish line. That is how risky the crypto market is.

Right now, believers are praying and atheists are hoping in their calculations that the market will close higher in 2024. But what could happen that would make the market simply act indifferent to the anxiety that comes from having your money in a race of sick and dying horses? Well, the market lacks empathy; it doesn't care at all that 40 million investors go to bed without dinner on Christmas Day. The market is even more cruel and merciless than Ebenezer Scrooge, who is the protagonist of Charles Dickens' novel, which tells the story of a hard-hearted, selfish man who dislikes Christmas, children or anything that brings happiness. To understand the harshness of the market and to see what it would be like if it had a human face, let us use Dickens' words when he described Mr. Scrooge: “The cold within him froze his old features; it purpled his sharp nose, wrinkled his cheeks, made his gait slow; he reddened his eyes, made his thin lips blue; he spoke slyly and harshly.” You can imagine what we can expect from the market if it looks so cruel.

Yet we are in it, risking only what we can afford to risk. Knowing the lack of empathy of Mr. Market, we can be sure that without the slightest remorse he would snatch every last cent from us in the blink of an eye. But then what can we do to multiply our chances of winning? Simply, sign up with the winner. But how do we know who will win? There is no doubt that this year the artificial intelligence narrative will win, without underestimating other currencies that are anchored to formidable capitals and fluid projects that have a life of their own.

Yesterday we had the opportunity to find out which currencies rise like the Phoenix when BITCOIN is barely growing. The cryptozombies were also in evidence and it is still too early to know if they will survive 2025. So I will take the liberty of naming the currencies that, in my opinion, will allow us to recover and make money in an expected rise of BITCOIN, either due to the interest rate cut, the victory of Donald Trump or the accelerated printing of money (dollars) that will be part of the economic policy of the US government to close 2024 and avoid a recession in 2025. Obviously, there are other factors that could come into play.

In the equation of the rise of BITCOIN and the arrival of the ALSEASON, let us remember that this is subject to the assumption that previous cycles will be repeated and there will be an ALSEASON as there was three consecutive times after the BITCOIN halving. If an ALSEASON were to come, what joy! But let us try to focus on what will be inevitable: the rate cut and the printing of money. What about Donald Trump remains to be seen; we hope that he becomes president not only to make bitcoin rise to the stratosphere, but to save the world from a global thermonuclear war. So I tell you that I analyzed and closely monitored at least a hundred coins during the rise of BITCOIN to a little over 60 thousand dollars and, as I said before, I will undoubtedly name some that will not lose in the rest of the year:

Mask Network (All-Time High: $97)

Frax Network (stablecoin, US project, all-time high: $42)

Internet Computer (All-Time High: $750)

Near Protocol (All-Time High: $20)

Axie Infinity (All-Time High: $179)

Avalanche (all-time high: $146)

Other currencies that recovered quickly were:

IO.NET (recently listed on Binance, all-time high: $6)

Render (all-time high: $13)

Pendle (Historical High $7.50)

PancakeSwap (All-Time High: $44)

Celestia (All-Time High: $20)

Polkadot (All-Time High: $55)

Toncoin (will surprise)

Prometeus (All-Time High: $106)

Uniswap (All-Time High: $45)

The coins I mentioned will not lose money, you can be sure of that. They are not all the ones that will multiply your money, but they are the most reliable. The other giants that you miss in this list is simply because their price at the moment is quite high, and it is difficult for small investors to invest in them if they are looking to multiply their money. I hope that this last point has been made sufficiently clear, but to leave no doubt, I will give you an example:

If you bought 1000 IO.NET coins when its price dropped below $1.50, you invested $1500. 30 days ago, this coin quickly reached $2.40, that’s about $1 per coin earned. IO.NET is estimated to close the year at $6, making you $4500 in net profit. But if you buy $1500 worth of Solana, you’ll only be able to buy 11 coins. Solana is estimated to hit $200 again by the end of the year, giving you $770 in net profit. Not bad, but compared to IO.NET’s $4500, the difference is huge.

Other coins have proven to be unsafe investments, behaving very poorly yesterday and over the course of the last 14 days when the market fell and rose slightly. They may still surprise, but they are not a reliable bet in my view. There are other lower-priced coins that I have not named, but that does not mean that they are not projects that will generate profits. I will only name two: Solana's JUPITER and SUI, these coins will not have losses.

Study each project carefully, how they have performed throughout the year, who is backing them, their backing capital, their tangible assets, and do not put your money on sick horses. Until next time, small investors.

Jorge Ferrer

Bachelor of Business Administration