Captain ALCOIN, who is just doing his dirty work of discrediting WORLCOIN, says that Al Saltman's project is unlocking millions of coins per month and is therefore inflationary. He also mentions that its capital is $600 million and that today's increase was 10%, when in fact it was over 18%. Captain ALCOIN forgets that WORLCOIN went, just ten days ago, from having a market cap of $580 million to $720 million in just a few hours. He fails to mention that coins are capitalizing rapidly in proportion to the increase in the price of Bitcoin.

Another thing that Captain ALCOIN, WORLCOIN's staunch enemy, doesn't say is that Bitcoin has 1.14 trillion dollars of capital, with 584 million SOLANAS in circulation, 180 million more coins in circulation than WORLCOIN, and yet its price exceeds 130 dollars per token. CHAINLINK has about 600 million coins in circulation and its price exceeds 10 dollars. NEAR PROTOCOL has 1.12 billion coins in circulation and its price today is close to five dollars. And as a final example, INTERNET COMPUTER has 469 million coins in circulation and its price at this time is 8.30 dollars.

WORLCOIN will be capitalized to such an extent that each token will soon exceed $7. Its price was hovering between $5 and $7, and its first stop before breaking double digits later this year will be $7 in November. WORLCOIN is part of an empire currently valued at more than $100 billion, and if the deals with Google, Microsoft and NVIDIA go through, it will raise its capital to $150 billion, larger than Disney.

I am surprised that they are not able to see the potential of the OPE.AI currency, although I am convinced that they are discrediting WORLCOIN because they are paid for it. I would like Captain ALCOIN to name a single currency that has deployed in dozens of countries the infrastructure and human resources that WORLCOIN has deployed. Those who are running the project are not idiots and they are not interested in throwing money away. The first objective has already been achieved: making WORLCOIN the fourth most popular currency in the world. I will not take the time to explain step by step what WORLCOIN will do in the coming months, but I will only tell you in advance that the Word Chain platform will be launched, the completion of the pilot plan for global iris scanning will be announced and WORLCOIN will be converted into a platform as powerful or more powerful than Facebook. So, to those who read me, do not let yourselves be manipulated by Captain ALCOIN, keep your WORLCOIN coins and remember that Bitcoin once cost the equivalent of a ham and cheese pizza.

A big hug,

Jorge Ferrer

Bachelor of Business Administration