On the stage of speculation, every trader is a dancer, dancing to the rhythm of the market. Recently, I heard that many dancers lost their footing in the "false breakthrough" of the market and stopped losses and left the market. However, on this stage full of variations, there is no real or fake breakthrough, only whether the rhythm of the market is in sync with our pace.

The market situation is like the lights on the stage, sometimes bright and sometimes dim. When the market breaks, it is just a transfer of a beam of light, a change in the rhythm of the market. Sometimes, this beam of light will attract a large number of bargain hunters, causing the price to rise again, as if it is a false breakthrough. But in fact, this is just the true face of the market, and it is a dance language that we need to learn to interpret.

Stop loss is our self-protection mechanism in this dance. It allows us to turn around gracefully and avoid greater mistakes when the market rhythm is unfavorable. And re-trading after stop loss is our strategy and art in this dance.

Re-trading does not mean blindly following the trend, but the courage and wisdom to step onto the stage again after careful consideration. It requires us not to rush for success after stopping loss, but to observe the rhythm of the market calmly and wait for the next opportunity to enter the market. Such a trading attitude can not only help us recover losses, but also maintain a steady pace in the long-term speculative career.

Therefore, in the face of market variations and breakthroughs, we should remain calm and rational. Don't get entangled in the illusory debate of true and false breakthroughs, but focus on how to keep pace with the rhythm of the market. Stop loss is our self-protection in dance, and re-trading is our strategy and art. Only in this way can we jump out of our own gorgeous chapter on the stage of speculation. #美降息25个基点预期升温 #灰度将推出首个美国XRP信托 #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #特朗普哈里斯辩论未提及加密货币 #美国8月核心CPI超预期 $BTC $ETH