On the trading stage, everyone is a dancer of their own views, dancing to the rhythm of the market. However, in this dance, some people dance gracefully and make continuous profits; while others falter and continue to lose money. The mystery behind this is often hidden in the views held by traders.

Temporary views are like improvisations on the stage. Traders change their ideas and strategies at any time according to the short-term fluctuations of the market. They may feel that the market has risen too high and will definitely adjust, so they go short; but when the market continues to rise, they change their minds and think that the rise is not over, so they close their positions and go long. This frequent change is like constantly changing dance steps on the stage. Although it seems flexible, it is actually easy to lose rhythm and lead to losses.

The long-term view is more like a classic dance step on the stage. After careful consideration, traders have formed a set of strategies that have been verified by the market many times based on historical data and market trends. They will not change their strategies because of short-term market fluctuations, but stick to their views and wait for market verification. This persistence is like sticking to your own dance steps on the stage. Although it seems dull, it is actually stable and powerful, and can make continuous profits.

In trading, each of us has our own dance steps. However, in order to make continuous profits in this dance, we need to learn to break free from the constraints of temporary views and embrace the stability of long-term views. Because only when we stick to our long-term views and are not confused by short-term market fluctuations can we dance on the stage of trading and make continuous profits.

So, let us all become wise men on the trading stage! Use long-term views to guide our dance steps, and let the melody of profit always accompany #美降息25个基点预期升温 #新币挖矿HMSTR #美国8月核心CPI超预期 #比特币挖矿难度创历史新高 #FTX赎回Solana $BTC $ETH