In the speculative market, investors face two main paths: one is to make short-term profits with heavy positions, which requires extremely high talent and keen market insight; the other is to make long-term profits with light positions, which is more in line with the investment logic of ordinary people, that is, to follow the trend and move forward steadily.

For most people, the principle of following the trend is the key to driving investment success. When building a position, we should not be overly obsessed with technical analysis, but should consider more about the loss price we can bear. We cannot predict the future trend of the market, but we can control our capital risk, which is the core of capital management.

Every time we trade, we are playing a simple game with the market with our own funds. In this game, we only need to clarify two things: how much money we have and how much loss we can bear in this transaction. Predicting the market is futile, because any expectation and speculation about the market may bring fatal lessons. For tomorrow's market trend, we can only say "I don't know".

There is no opportunity without risk in the speculative market. Before forming our own trading rules and strictly abiding by discipline, we should try to avoid investing too much money. Success in this market is often exchanged for paying tuition and taking risks. Therefore, we should seek profits within our risk tolerance, which is the long-term solution.

In short, to make profits in the speculative market, we need to understand risks, grasp probabilities, and stick to our trading discipline. Only in this way can we #美降息25个基点预期升温 #灰度将推出首个美国XRP信托 #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #特朗普哈里斯辩论未提及加密货币 #美国8月核心CPI超预期 $BTC $ETH

move forward steadily in the storms of the market and ultimately achieve investment success.