The high-cognition people I know have never been poor. Only those with low-dimensional cognition will become poor. In the process of communication between high-cognition and so-called low-cognition people, there is a rule behind it that everyone does not talk about, called dimensionality reduction invariance, that is, I will not debate with people who reduce the dimension. This is actually an unspoken rule behind high-cognition recognition. This is a very simple truth. You take a cup, for example, this is a high-dimensional one, this is a three-dimensional one, you throw it on the ground, then the person below you see it as a circle, then you tell the person below this dimension that it is a cylinder, no matter how you explain it, he will not believe it, so it is meaningless for you to let the person in this dimension explain it to him repeatedly. So all the high-cognition people I have seen, even when they meet and communicate with people in low dimensions, they do not defend themselves, do not debate, and are unwilling to tell you the truth, because it is actually useless for them to tell you. Therefore, many of us today who call themselves high-cognition poor people are false propositions. The information they see and their own cognition are low-dimensional and false. Therefore, once a high dimension is formed, there is no poor person. He must have his own, regardless of spiritual wealth and material wealth. #美国经济软着陆? #美国8月非农就业人数不及预期