The market is really too difficult to play recently. As the US is approaching the interest rate cut cycle, the big funds in the market are tightening. It is estimated that the main theme of the market in the next two weeks will still be risk aversion. Even if it is confirmed that the interest rate will be cut by 25% instead of 50% in September, I don’t think it is the stage for large institutions to completely throw away their arms and go all in now. External funds are hesitant, and internal funds dare not move at all.

Then, have you noticed a phenomenon recently:

Many altcoins rebound faster than BTC, and when BTC plummeted, altcoins stayed sideways?

There may be only one reason for this—BTC’s market share has peaked, and funds have begun to flow to altcoins. After BTC’s decline, the fourth quarter may be the outbreak season for small altcoins.

You can recall that after the Bitcoin halving, coupled with the approval of the ETF, a number of institutions such as BlackRock entered the market to buy the bottom frantically. At least until now, they have no signs of selling.

If they are not optimistic about the future market, then what they should do now is to sell slowly like Grayscale. But instead of selling, they are slowly increasing their positions. But from this point of view, we really don't need to worry about the future market. The future is still bright!

The current currency market is completely operated by Wall Street, and several dealers in the currency circle dare not move!

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