Hot search list: CKB's popularity continues to rise, up 18.70% in 24 hours

The popularity ranking shows that CKB's popularity has increased by 140,000 compared with yesterday, ranking first. The popularity ranking is as follows:

① CKB ($0.01645, 18.70%)

② SUI ($1.07, 4.90%)

③ ETH ($2414.70, -0.12%)

④ REEF ($0.002085, 5.68%)

⑤ AAVE ($146.43, 4.37%)

CKB's main capital buying power is average, with a net inflow of $28.703 million in 24 hours and a transaction volume of $970 million in 24 hours, of which the main net inflow is $4.2061 million. #CKBUSDT #FTX赎回Solana #美国8月核心CPI超预期 #特朗普哈里斯辩论未提及加密货币