Solana staking is about to be revolutionized!

Binance is set to release BNSOL, a new Solana staking product, at the end of September.

BNSOL allows you to stake SOL tokens to earn network fees and generate liquid staking tokens that can be used flexibly even if the underlying tokens are locked.

Binance executives emphasized that this is a strategy to fully tap the value of staking, enhance fund liquidity and accumulate rewards.

Liquid staking tokens represent assets that are locked but still tradable in the proof-of-stake blockchain, allowing you to enter the DeFi platform during the asset lock-up period.

BNSOL provides a "dynamic annualized rate of return" that follows the fluctuations of Solana staking returns. Please pay attention to the waiting period when redeeming.

Stay tuned for the details of the protocol officially released by Binance at the end of this month.

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