9.3 Strategy Overview:

The current daily K-line picture continues to reflect the weak downward trend of the market, and no strong reversal signal has emerged in the short term. Looking at the 4-hour chart, although the market has briefly broken free from the downturn and entered the rebound range, the momentum of this round of rebound is obviously insufficient, and the short-selling pressure is still heavy, making the road to rebound full of obstacles.

In view of this, the core of today's trading strategy focuses on the key resistance area of ​​60,000 above, following the flexible strategy of "short if not broken", giving priority to the layout of short orders, and the target is 58,500 to 58,000. Once the target is reached or the market shows signs of reversal, you can consider going long and respond flexibly to market fluctuations.

Operation points:

Build short positions in the range of 59,600 to 59,900.

The target is down to the area of ​​58,500 to 58,000.

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