#TIA空投 $TIA TIA today's market analysis:

1/2/4 hour levels are dominated by the short side.

Need to analyze the copycat point @Square-Creator-38f0acad4

Focus on the long and short price: around 5.926.

Upper point of interest: 6.053, 6.196, 6.312. If it does not break, the short trend will continue.

Lower support: 5.540, 5.441, 5.358. If it is stable, the risk is controllable, and if it breaks, it is bullish.

Capital preservation comes first, and contract operations need to focus on defense and then seek profits.

#美国CPI数据连续第4个月回落 #新币挖矿TON #美国7月PPI低于预期 #WBTC