After the last round, there is no more narrative future in the world.

When serious people chat, they talk about new narratives such as depin.

"Should we embrace the new scam? Depin is nothing more than the foreign agency that used to hype up Wanke Cloud."

What we believe in is not the new narrative, but the ability of foreigners to bring goods and take over the market by speaking narratives in English.

It is the current norm in the circle that we know it is a scam, but we still embrace it with our noses pinched. Everyone is calculating resource endorsements, network resources, pyramid selling and bringing goods, and which nodes to go to, so there is no "holder's love".

It is all the calculation and caution of prostitutes.

There is nothing wrong with chatting like this. If you have to talk about the high-sounding set, you are deceiving outsiders.

The problem is that there are no outsiders or newcomers now, and they are all our own people who don't take over.

#美国CPI数据连续第4个月回落 #新币挖矿TON #美国7月PPI低于预期