The great progress of human society lies in the fact that the next generation does not listen to the previous generation.

Young people should act like young people!

What should be done.

Most of human happiness comes from comparison. What is worrying is not the lack of wealth but the inequality of wealth.

Society is a game of wealth distribution, even if the pie is big.

The yardstick by which people measure whether they are living a good life is a relative value, that is, their share of the total pie, rather than an absolute value.

If it is an absolute value, then everyone should be celebrating and dancing because life is better than before, including the poor.

On the contrary, you won’t be particularly excited just because you drive a car, because everyone drives a car. You won’t feel more comfortable than the ancient emperors just because you have air conditioning, because everyone has air conditioning.

Essentially, people only care about one thing: how much proportion they get and whether it is more than others.

If you agree with the cake-dividing game, then there is one stupid thing you must not do, which is to do what your previous group of people or even the group before you were keen on doing.

How to understand?

The old money occupies the core resources and exploits you with ease.

It is extremely difficult to divide the cake according to their rules.

Each generation has its own things, and in the past 20 years, it has been houses. It has only been 20 years. Before that, there were no such requirements, and people did not have an obsession with houses.

At the beginning of the 21st century, when housing prices were just skyrocketing, who was eligible to buy a house?

At least they are not those born in the 2000s, who are all rushing to school. But when they are able to buy a house, they have to wait for more than 30 years and spend 10 or 20 times more to grab resources that have already been divided up.

The efficiency is low, the cost is high, and the rules are someone else's.

If you don’t want to play the game set by the old guys according to the rules, how do you break the deadlock?

In this world of mortals, if you don’t take a road, there will be no other way!

We’ll play whatever can kill those old guys!

Play with e-commerce and kill the physical stores! Kill the commercial districts!

Play with self-media, kill traditional media! Kill authoritative certification!

Play with live streaming and kill traditional e-commerce! Kill the Spring Festival Gala and so on!

Play with Bitcoin, play with AI, invest in computing power...try everything new that can help you enter the market more efficiently and grab a piece of the pie!

The purpose is to grab resources more efficiently.

About the same worth.

It took Li Ka-shing and Buffett 30 years.

It took Bezos and Jack Ma 20 years.

It took Musk and Zhang Yiming 10 years.

And it took CZ only 5 years!

If you are a practitioner.

On the other hand, if it is very difficult for the boss of an industry to make money, then as a grassroots practitioner, can you get more of the pie than those in less strenuous industries? Obviously, it is impossible!

And if you want to grab the cake, you can't do it under the rules of the old guys.

If you don't want to be cunning, you don't want to trade money for sex, you don't want to trade power for sex, and you don't want to be manipulated, then please rebel! Play the new game that young people should play, so that the cake of the old guys will become smaller and smaller because no one will take it, and the cake where you are will become bigger and bigger.

What is a young person?

It has nothing to do with age. It’s about people with a young mentality, people with iterative thinking, and people who are able to keep learning new things.

I have seen clear-headed 20-year-olds and blockhead 40-year-olds.

Of course, the new cake cannot be made however you want.

Only fairer efficiency and higher standards will be supported by the people and will be the right direction to turn the table.

Make sure you can attract more and more young people, just dive in and don't look back.

Celebrities are not as good as Internet celebrities.

First-line celebrities line up to make reservations for Li Jiaqi’s live broadcast room.

Business leaders line up to make reservations for Brother Yang’s live broadcast room.


Old tools are outdated.

Old artists don’t make as much money as young stars, not because of their acting skills, but because of their channels.

Without channels, there is no right to distribute the cake, and even as the leading actor, there is no core role.

The status gained by drinking, chatting and building relationships is far less than the actual power gained by studying the laws of operations and communication.

Without destruction, there is no construction; the greater the destruction, the greater the construction.

So fuck the obedience test! Young people should play with young people's things, don't take over the output of the old guys! Don't wash the ground for the rules of the old guys!

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