How to make others like to listen to you more?

1. Say what the other party wants to hear first

When we say what the other party wants to hear first, we can immediately attract their attention and make them more willing to listen to our words. You can first praise some of the other party's advantages, or mention some topics that you both care about.

2. Say what the other party can accept

In order to make it easier for the other party to accept our point of view. We can use some examples or facts that the other party is familiar with to support our point of view, so that they can understand and accept it more easily.

3. Then say what you should say

This step is our main information transmission link. On the basis of the first two steps, we can express our opinions and ideas more confidently because we have established a good communication foundation.

4. Finally, say what you want to say

In this step, we can put forward our suggestions or express our expectations. Let the other party know our goals and intentions.

The reason why this order is effective is that it follows people's psychological and emotional response process. We first meet the needs of the other party, and then express our own needs, so that it is easier to get the understanding and support of the other party.