1. If you don't know the kindness of your parents when you are young, you will be confused for half of your life. If you don't have hunger and cold, your parents will not be ashamed of you. If you don't make progress, how can you treat your parents? When your parents are alive, life still has a place to go; when your parents are gone, life only has a way back. Treat your parents well and never leave yourself with regrets.

2. The best way for a person to live is to buy as few clothes as possible, eat as little food as possible, learn to subtract from your life, reduce unnecessary burdens and expenses. Few desires will lead to a calm mind, and a calm mind will simplify things.

3. When you let go of your prejudices and pretense, and stop being anxious and hopeful, your heart will be truly open. In fact, life is a very difficult practice. We always trap ourselves in obsessions and past injuries. In fact, sooner or later one day you will understand that except for life and death, everything else is just a scratch.

4. Many years later, you will understand that the best ending with some people is to have no news from each other. I am in love with you, and it ends with you. The extreme of love is not entanglement, and the extreme of missing is silence. It starts with a heartbeat and ends with heartache; it starts with blushing and ends with jealousy.

5. If you always try to become someone you imagine, then you will have a problem. People are tired because they are becoming less and less able to be their true selves. You should know that God has given you such a life for a reason. Living your life well is the only shortcut to happiness.

6. Life is not full of beautiful women. What is a good life and a good partner? It is nothing more than that when you are hungry, he cooks for you, when you are thirsty, he gives you drink, when you are cold, he covers you with a blanket, when you are sick, he gives you medicine, and even when you are upset, you can scold him. Being down-to-earth is better than anything else.

7. The most comfortable state for a woman is: clean appearance, pure heart, calmly accepting all the gifts of life, and living every morning and sunset well. Make choices in moderation, pursue quality, do not rely on others, and do not climb high. As for the rest? If there is, it will be icing on the cake, if there is no, it will still be elegant, and always walk on the road of making yourself exquisite.

8. When you don't even have a friend and still live happily, then congratulations, your life has reached a new height. Useless socializing is not as good as high-quality solitude. With your back to the world, be sober and be your own light reed.

9. A woman’s happiness is not how glorious she is when she goes out, but that she can still be happy when the door is closed. When the hustle and bustle is over, she keeps a simple mind without quarreling or making noise, and is not afraid of the long road. I hope you have reminders in your ears, the lights are always on when you come home late, and your eyes are fixed on only one person!

10. Your current suffering is not suffering, but blessing. If you are not a person of great blessing, you are not even qualified to suffer. Without the baptism of suffering, you cannot bear too much blessing. So you are tortured to the brink of life and death to increase your mind, strengthen your muscles and bones, and only when the suffering is over and sweet comes, can you bear the blessing and accept the luck. You must believe that everything is the best arrangement of God.

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