After 40, if you want to live two more years, remember these eight sentences! First, everything is empty, only health is real. Second, if anyone always consumes your emotions, just kick him out of your world. Third, everything is arranged by God. What happens to you, no matter whether it is good or bad, is a good thing. Fourth, we should not care about people we can't control, and we should not control things we can't control. Fifth, those who cheat you, cheat you, hurt you, and owe you money are actually here to protect you from disasters. There is no need to fight with them. Sixth, a good mood is better than any panacea. Don't compare with others, but with your own mood. If your mood today is better than yesterday, then it's fine. Seventh, as long as you eat well, sleep well, and have no major health problems, you are already much better than many people in this world. It is useless to ask for too much. Apart from life and death, nothing else matters.

Eighth, when you can’t figure it out,

you can think about those countries with wars,

where people are starving to death,

for them, being alive is a luxury.
